We improvises life through four core practices. These help us to follow the example of Jesus and see the divine in the ordinary.
Improvised Music
Jazz Community Church grew out of a touring collective of musicians seeking to bring together the contrasting worlds of jazz music and church tradition. Our gatherings incorporate diverse musical expressions, re-imagining anything from ancient hymns to contemporary pop music in a jazz way. We have found that improvising music together can create reflective spaces for encountering the divine. If you play any instrument at any level and fancy a jam, we would love you to join us.
Real-Life Stories
We embrace the fact that life is complex and there aren’t any easy answers. In a culture saturated with the airbrushed lives we present on social media, being vulnerable and open about struggles can be difficult. But we have found that exploring ancient stories from the scriptures, and sharing our own stories of faith, doubt, joy and pain can be a transformational practice. Whatever your life journey looks like, we want to hear your story.
Heart-Warming Food
For our community, sharing food together is about more than simply meeting a physical need — it has become something of a spiritual practice for us. We believe in the power of radical hospitality and have found that sharing food provides a fantastic opportunity to reach out to our community, whilst also making space to encourage and support one another with improvising life together.
Deep Conversation
Sometimes questions can be more life-giving than answers. In a world dominated by sound bites and small talk, our gatherings make space for inclusive and open dialogue about life and faith issues. Welcoming a diversity of perspectives is what we’re all about, so whatever your views or beliefs we hope you can find meaningful connection at Jazz Community Church.